
Vampires with the discipline of Celerity can use their beast to give them unnatural reflexes, and move with blinding speed. Available To: Daeva, Mekhet 1) Inhuman Speed The character’s ability to channel their vitae into inhuman speed makes them more…

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Vampires with the discipline of Resilience can use their beast’s power to shrug off harm, and endure blows that would cripple others. Available to: Gangrel, Ventrue 1) Unnatural Stamina The character’s ability to channel their vitae to grant exceptional toughness…

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Vampires with the discipline of Vigor can channel their beast’s power into terrifying feats of strength and combat prowess. Available to: Daeva, Nosferatu 1) Monstrous Strength The character’s ability to channel their vitae into terrible strength makes them more effective…

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The Gangrel’s discipline of protean gives vampires the ability to channel their beast into the very substance of their bodies. Initially it allow them to shift the senses to be more like those of an animal, but as they progress…

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Vampire who possess the discipline of Obfuscate have developed the ability to psychically cloud the minds of those around them – initial able to hide small objects, they progress to hiding themselves, and from there to the insidious ability to…

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