
Vampire who possess the discipline of Obfuscate have developed the ability to psychically cloud the minds of those around them – initial able to hide small objects, they progress to hiding themselves, and from there to the insidious ability to cause others to perceive them as someone else entirely.

Available to: Mekhet, Nosferatu

1) Touch of Shadow

Your character may cause an object to vanish from sight.  The object must be under 12 inches in its largest dimension, must not be being actively observed, and your character must touch it in order to bring the effect about.


Your character is unable to mask them object with their powers on this occasion.


Your character causes the object to vanish from sight, but only from sight.  Anyone who looks for the item will realise it is missing. This effect will last for 10 minutes.  Please hand the object to a ref (and show them this screen) and inform them what, if anything, you’re doing with it.

Exceptional Success

Your character causes the object to vanish from sight and memory – or rather, for the next 10 minutes as long as your character is in the room, no-one will think to look for the object.  Please hand the object to a ref (and show them this screen) and inform them what, if anything, you’re doing with it. Please also inform other players as appropriate, if you think they’re likely to look for it.

2) The Cloak of Night

Your character can render themselves unremarkable and unmemorable to the point of invisibility – other people’s eyes just slide right off them. 


You are unable to cloud other people’s minds on this occasion.


You have clouded the minds of others.  Please hold this timer over your head, representing the amount of time you have left that you are invisible. [5 mins]

Exceptional success

You have clouded the minds of others.  Please hold this timer over your head, representing the amount of time you have left that you are invisible. [10 mins]

3) The Familiar Stranger

You ability to invade the minds of others to render yourself invisible has taken on a more subtle dimension.  You may cause yourself to appear as someone else entirely, someone your target(s) would expect to see and trust. 


You are unable to cloud other people’s minds on this occasion.


Please show the following to anyone relevant within about two paces, including anyone that joins your conversation later:

This character is using an effect to appear as someone your character would expect to see and consider an ally.  For the next 5 minutes, please treat them as if they were that person, and continue with your normal conversation.  If the most obvious candidate for your character to treat them as is also in the room, then for the duration of this effect, your character simply won’t notice them elsewhere - as far as they are concerned, this person is their friend and ally, and they won’t notice anything that might break that illusion.  Similarly, if someone else in the conversation refers to this person as someone else (their own friend and ally, presumably), your character simply won’t notice that.

Exceptional Success 

Please show the following to anyone relevant within about two paces, including anyone that joins your conversation later:

This character is using an effect to appear as someone your character would expect to see and consider an ally.  For the next 15 minutes, please treat them as if they were that person, and continue with your normal conversation.  If the most obvious candidate for your character to treat them as is also in the room, then for the duration of this effect, your character simply won’t notice them elsewhere - as far as they are concerned, this person is their friend and ally, and they won’t notice anything that might break that illusion.  Similarly, if someone else in the conversation refers to this person as someone else (their own friend and ally, presumably), your character simply won’t notice that.