
The source of the Daeva’s power over mortals (and kindred), vampires with the power of majesty can inspire awe, charm secrets from their prey, and in the extreme, inspire short-lived fanatical loyalty in others.

Available to: Daeva.

1) Inspire Awe

The character can supernaturally amplify the force of their personality to appear cool and charismatic, rendering those around them star-struck.


You are unable to summon up the full force of your personality on this occasion.


Please show this screen to any player within about 2 paces.  (Use your judgement as to who qualifies.)

Your character will find the character showing you this screen fascinating and generally great for the next 5 minutes.  Be impressed with them,  and generally act as if what they are saying is obviously correct, because they’re great.  At the end of the time, the shine fades, but your character will not realise that their behaviour was being erratic or was being influenced, unless it is directly pointed out by a third party.

Exceptional Success

Please show this screen to any player within about 2 paces.  (Use your judgement as to who qualifies.)

Your character will find the person showing you this screen fascinating and generally great for the next 15 minutes.  Be impressed with them,  and generally act as if what they are saying is obviously correct, because they’re great..  At the end of the time, the shine fades, but your character will not realise that their behaviour was being erratic or was being influenced, unless it is directly pointed out by a third party.

2) Confidante

The character can supernaturally amplify the force of their personality to make others feel that they are a trustworthy companion.


You are unable to summon up the full force of your personality on this occasion.


Please show the following text to one player within arms reach.

Your character will find the character showing you this screen to be utterly reliable and trustworthy for the next 15 minutes, or until they are presented with evidence of that character doing something to obviously act directly against their interests.  Your character is convinced that the person using this power is someone that they can trust with all but the most dangerous of secrets, lend them all but their most life defining possessions and generally act to help them as long as it's not any risk to their own life or significant interests.   At the end of the time, the shine fades, but your character will not realise that their behaviour was being erratic or was being influenced, unless it is directly pointed out by a third party.

Exceptional Success

Please show the following text to one player within arm’s reach.

Your character will find the character showing you this screen to be utterly reliable and trustworthy for the next 30 minutes, or until they are presented with evidence of that character doing something to obviously act directly against their interests.  Your character is convinced that the person using this power is someone that they can trust with all but the most dangerous of secrets, lend them all but their most life defining possessions and generally act to help them as long as it's not any risk to their own life or significant interests.   At the end of the time, the shine fades, but your character will not realise that their behaviour was being erratic or was being influenced, unless it is directly pointed out by a third party.

3) Idol

The character can supernaturally amplify the force of their personality to temporarily become the most important person in the world to those around them.  The effect of this power does not extend beyond their immediate presence – if someone affected by this power leaves the room, the effect ends immediately, but resumes when they re-enter the room.


You are unable to summon up the full force of your personality on this occasion.


Please show this to all players within about 2 paces. (Use your judgement as to who qualifies.)

Your character will find the character showing you this screen to be the most important person in the world for the next 5 minutes.  Your character will go to any lengths to help them, overriding all concerns of personal safety, protecting them from all harm, and doing whatever it is they think would please them most, unless they object of their affections directly acts to physically harm them.  Your character will not leave their presence unless directly instructed to do so.

Exceptional Success

Please down the following all players about 2 paces. (Use your judgement as to who qualifies.)

Your character will find the character showing you this screen to be the most important person in the world for the next 10 minutes.  Your character will go to any lengths to help them, overriding all concerns of personal safety, protecting them from all harm, and doing whatever it is they think would please them most, no matter what they do to your character.  Your character will not leave their presence unless directly instructed to do so.